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Garimpeiros / Oro Diablo / Devil's Gold (1998)

Garimpeiros / Oro Diablo


Rocio Miranda

Laureano Olivares

Armando Gota

Pedro Lander

Alberto Rowinsky

Jenny Noguera

Roberto Hernandez

Jeannette Lehr

Carolina Lopez

Jose Gregorio Rivas

Juan Carlos Alarcon

Maria A.Oduber

Ringo Garcia

Pastor Gonzalez

Jesus Seijas


Writing credits

Sonia Chocrón


Produced by

Jose Novoa

Elia Schneider


Directed by

Jose Ramon Novoa


Город Папайаль расположен в джунглях Амазонки. В нем правят насилие, жадность и безнравственность. Он вырос вокруг шахт, где было найдено золото, и ртуть отравила окружающую среду. Кроме местного бара и борделя, поселенцам негде проводить время и нечем заняться, не считая работы на шахтах. Время от времени приезжает человек по имени Феллини и снимает фильмы. Однажды мать девушки Исабель и ее возлюбленный решают украсть золото у шахтера Эль Гальего и сбежать из Папайаля. Девочка вынуждена оплатить их долг, работая в борделе. Исабель пробует убежать, но она поймана полицией, и встречает Кае, молодого человека, который куплен торговцем для работы в золотых рудниках. Вернувшись в Папайаль, Исабель влюбится в Кае, который сообщает ей, что и ее мать и ее возлюбленный были убиты.  

With `Oro diablo' (also known as `Garimpeiros'), José Novoa ends a trilogy started in 1994 with `Sicario', followed in 1998 by `Huelepega'. The trilogy is an effort to illustrate the everyday life of children and adolescents hit by extreme poverty in Latin America: in `Sicario' he dealt with the problems of Colombian children exposed to drug traffic; and in `Huelepega' he showed the children of the street in Caracas, who are led to the cheapest and fastest way to `get high', by smelling glue. Now in `Oro diablo' he deals with the hopelessness of those who work in the gold mines in the Amazon jungle of Venezuela, or who live in towns that spurt around the mines, where violence is the way of living, workers are exploited and death rules.

`Oro diablo' also exposes the unpunished ecological devastation of the zone, produced by the savage exploitation of the gold mines, the toxic use of mercury and the silence of local governments.

Novoa's style owes both to action film and ethnographic documentary. His working method starts with the investigation of each subject matter, by which he collects direct information from the people who experience it. This time writer Sonia Chocrón, who wrote the screenplay, assisted him. Then he works with the children and teenagers, and somehow he manages to extract credible performances that harmonize with those of his professional cast: such are the cases of Laureano Olivares, who was in `Sicario', and Rocío Miranda, who plays Isabel, the leading character of `Oro diablo'.

In Papayal, a town near a gold mine, Isabel's mother and her lover flee after stealing gold from a miner. Isabel is forced to pay the debt, but she runs away. After being caught by the police, she meets Cae (Olivares), a young man who is bought by a trader of cheap labor, and taken to the mine nearby Papayal. Isabel is forced to work in the town's brothel, where she is raped by ruthless Mooligan (Roberto Hernández), who also becomes her protector. But Isabel and Cae fall in love, and she discovers her mother has been killed.

After watching the film, Colombian filmmaker Víctor Gaviria's work come to mind: "Rodrigo D: No futuro" and `La vendedora de rosas'. Both want to make popular cinema to be seen by as many persons as possible. But while Gaviria is a poet, Novoa makes too many commercial concessions, which determine the product: `Oro diablo' is a film with a very simple and direct structure, with elements of social melodrama, adventure film, a bit of shock and a lot of sex, so the big audiences can relate with the story. Many dramatic situations are given formulaic solutions, distracting from its social, psychological and economic implications, while his composer Francisco Cabrujas overemphasizes what the image has already showed. Nevertheless Novoa has a good sense of rhythm; he moves on and leads you along the story, benefiting from the sympathy of Miranda and Olivares, and efficient cinematography by Óscar Pérez.

Although it is asking the film what it is not (mainly) about, our major complaint about `Oro diablo' is its too superficial approach to the ecological situation. When the world nations expend millions in their glamorous meetings, they all promise to save the children and planet Earth. But as soon as the delegates board their planes, everything is forgotten. In the overexploitation of resources (such as gold, in Panamá and the Amazon jungle), a good many of those dignitaries who sign agreements, are involved in the destruction of the planet, through private entrepreneurial involvement in the exploitations. In `Oro diablo' it is only suggested by a European photographer who flies above the mines, and evacuates the settlers.

But `Oro diablo' is more about human relations in a problematic situation, than a political thriller. In spite of its shortcomings, it is an effective, entertaining and very revealing film.



Доринай Кастильо,

Милагрос Бульоса



Хосе Феликс Карденас,

Лаура Муньос,

Мирела Мендоса



Клаудиа Рейес,

Каролина Муцциотти,

Корина Асопардо,

Калена Диас,

Кассандра Теппер,

Каролина Кристанчо,

Каролина Лопес,

Кристина Рейес,

Альба Вальве,


Ана Карина Касанова,

Ана Мария Симон,

Гладиушка Акоста,

Алисия Мачадо



Йерлинг Остос,

Суси Эррера,

Рауль Оливо,

Глэннис Колина,

Лауреано Оливарес



Анарелла Боно,

Сесар Суарес,

Джимми Кихано,

Тианни Сантос,

Наташа Молл,

Нума Дельгадо,

Мануэль Соса



Моника Рубио,

Карла Ортис,

Марианхель Руис,

Джанкарло Паскуалотто



Кристиан МакГаффни,

Ванесса Пальяс,

Ана Мария Симон,

Ана Сармиенто,

Алехандро Мата,

Моника Паскуалотто,

Даниела Виельма,

Франсиско Медина,

Кане Веласкес,

Карлос Аугусто Мальдонадо,

Андрес Суарес,

Кристобаль Ландер,

Хосе Мадониа,

Хулиан Хиль,

Лилиана Мелендес,

Луис Олаваррьета,

Норелис Родригес,

Ребека Алеман



Александра Родригес,

Анастасия Маццоне,

Жан Поль Леруа,

Рафаэль Новоа



Даниэль Челини,

Исмаэль Ла Роса,

Натали Навас,

Себастьян Веласкес,

Майкель Вискайа,

Ванесса Поссе,

Дамиан Хеновесе,

Джаннина Алвес,

Мария Антониэта Кастильо,

Хессика Грау


20/07/2006 (сайты):


20/07/2006 (фото):

Кристина Дакоста,

Андреина Перес,

Марджори Магри,

Корина Мендоса

Абриль Шрайбер,

Флор Элена Гонсалес,

Шейене Герарди,

Андреина Йепес,

Ана Беатрис Осорио

Клаудиа Ла Гатта,

Эрика Шварцгрубер


15/07/2006 (фото):

Моника Спеар,

Освальдо Маго,

Илеана Алома,

Адольфо Кубас,

Алехо Фелипе,

Антонио Куэвас,

Араселли Прието,

Беатрис Васкес,

Карлос Арреаса,

Сесар Бенсид,

Дейалит Лопес,

Эдуардо Серрано,

Федра Лопес,

Флавия Глеске,

Франсис Руэда,

Гонсало Куберос,

Хосе Анхель Авила,

Хосе Ромеро

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